It's only Tuesday!
July 25th
We've already accomplished so much! One surgery after another, one eye examination right after the other, one conversation right after's easy to see that we're doing something special in Guatemala. They joy of sight or of relieving pain--it's special what we get to share with the Guatemalan citizens. What has made this different than any other service trip took place on Sunday morning: all of us attended an overflowing church, with 70% of attendees waiting for Clinic Ezell and hearing about the what Christ has done for them, how easy it is to get to heaven, and that joy is possible on this Earth through God. In the words of a patient after a patch was taken off, "Gloria a Dios!"...I enjoyed hearing that and not "Gloria al doctor" or just "gracias." In a book by Mother Theresa, she writes "Because even today Jesus is looking for somebody to console and comfort him....Are you there to comfort him? He comes to you in the hungry. He comes to you in the naked. He comes to you in the lonely. He comes to you in the drunkard, prostitute or street person....are you willing to share the joy oh his love with them. " I think that is something that these ophthalmologists understand--at least according to the degree of perfection they strive for in every single surgery on patients that they'll probably never see after this week. It's true, I wish I could do more than serve as a circulating nurse in the OR...maybe one day!
Sujit Itty
Medical Student
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