HTI Trip News

Monday, March 13, 2006

March 13, 2006 - Eye Surgery & ACU Group

This is a new type of trip for Health Talents. We have combined an eye surgery team with the Abilene Christian University Spring Break group, and it is working out exceedingly well. Dr. Tony Rector, who organized the ACU team, is dividing the group up each day so each person can experience a little bit of everything. I apologize for not having this blog up and running by now, so you can experience the week with us in almost real time, but our satellite system was out of service most of the day. My goal for this blog is twofold: provide a birdseye view from several different perspectives into what these trips are like and to offer technical information about the medical and dental ministries that we offer. I think this will prove quite valuable as future doctors and dentists make plans to come to Guatemala. We love your comments, by the way, so don't hesitate to send them our way! ...Marie Agee


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