HTI Trip News

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

It's already Wednesday!

Wow...time flies when you're having fun. This trip has been great not only for the patients we've attended to but also to our group members and the team of Guatemalans who are working here at the Ezell Clinic. I've seen more and done more than many students in any nursig program. I may not be a nurse nor a nursing student, but I sure have had a good eyefull this week. I have been a part of a special group here. We're able to by-pass all of the red flags which we see in the states. We've been so busy. Patients coming and going. Friendships budding and hearts bonding. I feel so lucky to be able to understand their language. The frenzy of all the nurses and aids in the recovery room is exciting. They all call for assistance. Everyone wants to know and understand another's pain and desires. I'm glad I've had a chance to be in the middle of it all. I know I've rambled through this blog. However, with the flow of all the emotions one faces while down here, you can get one tongue tied, too. Sarah Tolentino...Nashville, TN


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